Meet our YWM2021 – VIRTUAL Speakers: Robert Kushner, MD

Meet our YWM2021 – VIRTUAL Speakers: Robert Kushner, MD

Age Does Matter – Managing Obesity through Life Stages

Does weight gain affect a child differently than an adult? As we get older, what challenges can we expect with our weight and why? In this explorative session, take a journey through obesity in all of life’s stages and discover the many factors that can trigger or complicate weight issues. Along the way, you’ll see how different life events affect your biology, environment, behavior, mental health and more – while also learning how to cope with, prepare for and overcome these challenges with resilience. So, get ready to transport through time and learn more about obesity through the ages!



Join Dr. Robert Kushner and our world-class YWM2021 – VIRTUAL speaker line-up this July 17 – 25! Register now for our FREE virtual event series, YWM2021 – VIRTUAL! Learn from weight and health experts and get access to easy-to-understand education to help you recharge your health and manage your journey with weight!